Your security is
our business.


Mark Hellmich, owner

Mark is an experienced senior corporate manager in the security field with a proven track record for bottom line accountability in security operations and administration.

After a successful career in the supply and management of contract guard services throughout Canada, he and his wife Cathy moved to Prince Edward Island where Mark grew up. The couple set up a security company on the Island which has enjoyed year-over-year growth since 2002.

East Coast Security has provided services to such high-profile events as the Legends of Golf competition, the ECMA Awards, the IWK Foundation and the Canadian National Skills Competition. It has also escorted what was then the Island’s largest wind turbine from Summerside to Norway in the North Cape area and done work for the Government of Canada. Chances are many Islanders will have seen East Coast Security Services Inc. Highway Flaggers at work since providing such traffic control for road and bridge construction is one of its main activities.

Mark is a hands–off team builder with extensive experience in a broad range of company operations such as labour relations, operational management, collective bargaining and negotiating.

His strong interpersonal and leadership skills served him well as Senior Vice President of Pinkerton’s Canada where he was responsible for strategic direction and leadership for the Canadian region.


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